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Showing posts from 2021

Data migration tool from Figaro's Password Manager 2

Figaro's Password Manager 2 was my favorite password management tool. It is GTK2-application to preserve and manage your pairs of ID and password secretly with cipher. To my regret, its Debian package was orphaned many years ago and I thought it was time to switch to another password management tool. But besides finding a good alternative choice, I had a big problem: migration. Figaro's Password Manager 2 does have data export function, but only in special XML format. If you want to move your data to a different application, you have to change the format of the data even if the application can import the data. As my next password management tool is KeePass2 or KeePassXC , I need a XML to CSV data converter. So, I have been developing the conversion tool very slowly and finally, completed. Today, I published it on GitHub , which I named fpm2_csv . The history of the code is quite embarrassing, but very few people in the world would be interested in it, that doesn't matte...

Disabling MS Teams auto-satrtup on GNOME desktop

A couple of months ago, I installed Microsoft Teams app in my Debian buster machine for a online meeting. The application worked fine, but it always started up automatically when launching the GNOME desktop environment. The behavior is quite annoying for me, because it take quite long time for the desktop to be ready for my normal use with the machine being rather old and its storage is HDD. But I couldn't find the settings or properties within the gnome-control-center setting items.  Today I find another way to stop automatic launch of the Teams app. Applying the patch below to the ~/.config/autostart/teams.desktop file would work fine: 12c12 < X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false --- > X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true Thanks to those blogs and articles: Gnome Desktop Entry Format extensions - bootlegged documentation ArchWiki 自動起動