I own an old printer, Canon LBP-350. It has both parallel port and USB port, but I never have been able to use it through USB port regardless of several trials. Because my one-year-old main desktop PC with Debian Jessie does not have a parallel port and direct USB connection seems hopeless, I recently bought a USB to Paralell-port convertor. How wonderful, it IS a cable. It has no extra power supply input nor a box at the intermediate location of the cable. I connect the printer and the PC with a little bit peculiar feeling and booted the printer and the PC. Then I opened the system-config-printer panel on the XFCE4 desktop. LBP-350 had already appeared. But the printer was set to inactive state. I couldn't figure out the reason, but I went on. I opened the URL http://lcoalhost:631 and looked into the CUPS administrative page. Yes, the printer was there. I changed the status of the printer to active and pushed the test-page button and the printer printed it. It was not a ...