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Showing posts from May, 2014

Upgrading wheezy to jessie

I recently upgraded my wheezy box to jessie. As always, upgrade ended in success. It's amazing for me that all the major upgrade have never made my Linux box ruined. I believe that both well-designed package management system and the Debian developer's effort have achieved this result. Thanks a lot, all the contributors!

Xl in Xen 4.1 of Debian wheezy

Another short story of Xen. Since Xen 4.1, a new command line tool "xl" is introduced. According to the wiki page on xl of, xl will take place of xend toolstack. Because PCI passthru and VGA passthru information is richer with xl than xm in the Internet, I became interested in xl. So, I have tried several times to use xl to create domU under my Xen 4.1 environment. But "xen create " subcommand wouldn't bring up a domU virtual machine. Finally, I gave up with Xen 4.1 of wheezy and tried xl in Xen 4.3 of jessie. Just adding device_model and device_model_override item in the domU's configuration file, domU virtual machine brought up. I wonder this might be one of the reasons the xl toolstack is not default of Xen 4.1. If you dare to use xl in Debian GNU/Linux, install Xen packages and add the following line in /etc/default/xen : TOOLSTACK=xl Note: virsh does not seem to work with xl, as far as I tried in my wheezy box.